TulipTree's first anthology is a playground of apocalyptic speculation. The stories take place after each author's favorite version of the Apocalypse. 

Each year we publish the contest winners and honorable mentions  in our Stories That Need to Be Told contest anthology. The covers are always inspired by the stories within! The 2016 anthology was a finalist for a Colorado Book Award, and the 2017 anthology won a CIPA Evvy Award.

Watch My Rising  is a collection of stories and poems about recovery from addiction. The volume is edited by Lynn Carlson, and the proceeds benefit Recover Wyoming.

See Jake's world through his eyes, as told by his handler and biographer Pam Wolf. His inspiring story may begin in a ditch, but thanks to those who saw his potential it didn't end there. Proceeds benefit the Fort Collins Cat Rescue

This anthology of fishing stories is edited by poet and avid fly fisherman Dean K Miller. The stories reflect the healing benefits of being near the water, whether the fish show up or not. Proceeds benefit Project Healing Waters–Platte Rivers chapter.

You can find all issues of TulipTree Review on Amazon. The Winter 2015 issue contains the winners of the very first Stories That Need to Be Told contest. Thereafter, the winners and honorable mentions can be found in their own anthology each year.

Stories change how we see the world.